Reading for free!

BookSirens is a great book review site. If you're interested in choosing from a selection of new books to read and review (including my latest, The Long Road to Loving Royce), this is the place to go. 

And if you'd like to follow yours truly (and I hope you will! 😍) on BookSirens, here's the link.


Cover reveal!

My 2024 release, The Long Road to Loving Byron, book 5 in the LONG ROAD series. 

A castle, a handsome butler, an age-old secret, and a pretty Aussie with a nose for mystery.

If Lorienne Castle could speak it would tell of dark deeds and buried truths, and for adventure-seeking Madeleine, unlocking the castle's secrets is an exciting challenge. Aided by the castle's undeniably dishy butler, she sets out to solve an age-old family mystery while facing the dangers—and desires—that lurk in the shadows.

 On pre-order now for Xmas 2024 release.

Some atmospheric inspiration for my 2024 novel....

From White Noise Tranquility on Youtube (complete with atmospheric sounds). And yes, the story is set in a castle. Wooohhh ...  🏰 👻 😬 😉


A new look for Jackson

From the talented designers at 100Covers

Would love to hear what you think of Jackson's new look. Post a comment below to let me know. 😀


Trouble and heartache around every bend in the road.

When pro trick rider Abbey returns home to the Queensland cattle farm she now owns, she is confronted with a suspicious death, a close family friend in dire need, and a mysterious squatter trespassing on more than just her land. With her career and love life already in tatters, Abbey must decide whether to cut and run, or stay and ride it out.

In paperback and ebook from all good retailers.

Verity's 'anthem'

Verity is the heroine in my forthcoming novel The Long Road to Loving Royce, and now I've found 'her' song. 


One prestigious job opportunity, two main contenders. She's trapped under a glass ceiling. His career is all he cares about. Will it take a potentially dangerous alliance for them both to succeed?

And is there more on the line here than just a job?


Verity's song is Try Everything by Shakira. You can listen to it here.